Andrew Chamberlin is a trial attorney with a broad national and international practice. Andrew has handled product liability, and catastrophic injury defense cases, as well as the prosecution and defense of commercial, construction, and intellectual property disputes. He has appeared in state and federal courts across the United States in his role as counsel for various entities. Recently, Andrew has handled multiple matters involving lithium-ion batteries including fire investigations, construction and EPC disputes, and products liability and commercial claims alleging the defective design and manufacture of batteries and battery management systems.
Andrew understands the value of being “appropriately aggressive.” He strives to understand the business and legal aspects of a given dispute to craft a path that best serves the client’s interests. He has tried “bet the company” jury trials, but he is equally ready to consider a range of business and legal alternatives. Andrew understands that the best outcome for the client is not always achieved through a favorable verdict achieved at great expense. In appropriate circumstances, Andrew has helped implement pre-litigation investigations and settlement programs for clients facing product issues, allowing them to resolve their disputes confidentially and maintain their business reputation without proceeding to litigation or trial.
Andrew is experienced in the representation of European multinational corporations. His recent work for such entities has included ICC proceedings, cross-border document collections and discovery issues, disputes related to the French blocking statute, and GDPR compliance. His innovative thinking is best illustrated by his success in obtaining a highly influential discovery ruling that permits simultaneous compliance with the requirements of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the French Blocking Statute. See Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District v. Trench France SAS, et al., 303 F. Supp. 1004 (2018).
Andrew is actively involved in the global legal community. He is a past President of the International Association of Defense Counsel (IADC), which is composed of the world’s leading corporate and insurance attorneys and insurance executives. Additionally, he was selected as “Lawyer of the Year” by The Best Lawyers in America®, for personal injury litigation defense in the North Carolina Triad area, and one of the two best products liability lawyers in North Carolina by Products Liability Defense.”
Andrew served as a faculty member for the 2014 IADC Trial Academy at Stanford University. Additionally, he co-authored “The Effective Deponent: Preventing Amygdala Hijack During Witness Testimony” published in For the Defense, June 2018. Andrew has also served as an invited speaker on Rule 702, catastrophic event investigation, the trial of a complex case, and the future of the practice of law.
Andrew is also involved in his community. He has served as President of First Lutheran Church, Board Chair of Greensboro Urban Ministry, and President of the North Carolina Fusion soccer club. An advocate for the poor and the homeless, Andrew has co-led a weekly breakfast for the homeless for 17 years.
North Carolina ,
United States