Charles Rwechungura - Global Referral - Insolvency Law Charles Rwechungura - Global Referral - Insolvency Law

Charles Rwechungura

Founder and Managing Partner

Full Member


The founder and Managing Partner is Charles R B Rwechungura, an experienced consultant in the fields of corporate law generally, insolvency (receiverships), capital markets, property and investment law, banking, financial and mining law. Formerly one of the founder partners of Rex Attorneys, and prior to Rex Attorneys, a founder partner in Maajar, Rwechungura, Nguluma & Makani, Advocates, Mr. Rwechungura is highly regarded, by both clients and his peers, as a leading legal practitioner in Tanzania.

His venturing into private practice was preceded by practicing law first as a State Attorney in the Attorney General’s Chambers, then as an in-house counsel in a large industrial holding corporation (the National Textile Corporation). His last stop over in public service was at the Tanzania Investment Bank as Head of Legal and Secretary to the Bank. He is an enrolled Advocate of the High Court of Tanzania and all subordinate Courts.

Firm Description

CRB Africa Legal is a corporate law firm based in Dar es salaam, United Republic of Tanzania. It was founded in February 2009 originally under the name of CRB ATTORNEYS which was later changed to its current name, CRB AFRICA LEGAL. The firm is duly registered as a partnership under the laws of Tanzania. A copy of the registration extract from the Register of Business Names can be made available on request as well as copies of the firm’s current business licence and our VAT and TIN Certificates.

The firm is a sizeable outfit of six (6) duly admitted advocates and one legal officer supported by five (5) administrative support. Available for presentation on request are certified copies of the relevant practicing certificates.

The firm advises clients and provides services across various practice areas in the fields of mergers and acquisitions, corporate litigations and insolvency law, restructuring, conveyance, tax compliance, finance and banking law, labour law and mining law.

CRB Africa Legal fosters long lived relationships with some of the leading establishments in the region in sectors that includes but not limited to non-profit, finance, telecoms, hospitality, manufacturing, import/export, agriculture energy and mining.

The firm has a professional indemnity cover of USD 1 million issued by a reputable insurer, Meticulous General Insurance Company Limited (Formerly Metropolitan Tanzania Insurance Company Limited).

Member Details



Exclusive Member

M&A , Capital Markets , Insolvency Law