The DFDL team is pleased to announce that David Fruitman (Regional Competition Counsel and Senior Consultant) and Vansok Khem (Partner) have written an article on Cambodia’s new competition law that has been published in a prestigious legal journal.
The Royal Government of Cambodia on 5 October 2021 passed the Law on Competition (“Competition Law”), which was the first of its kind in the Kingdom. The article outlines the new regulatory regime for the readers of Concurrences, an independent legal publisher, dedicated to competition law and economics.
The article, titled “The Cambodian Parliament enacts its first law on competition,” was published on 18 July 2022. As Mr. Fruitman and Ms. Vansok wrote: “The Competition Law addresses the traditional three pillars (i.e., anti-competitive agreements, abuses of dominance and anti-competitive business combinations), but, unlike some other jurisdictions in the region, Cambodia’s Competition Law does not address unfair trade practices…Unfortunately, as noted above, the Competition Law leaves many details to be determined by regulatory instruments and decisions. Despite this, the Competition Law seems a reasonable and solid step as Cambodia joins its fellow ASEAN Member States (“AMS”) with enacted competition laws.”
The DFDL team congratulates Mr. Fruitman and Ms. Vansok for publishing this timely article.