MMW Advocates LLP in partnership with Gentium UK Limited, Flywheel Advisory and A&D Forensics would like to invite you to join an important discussion on understanding virtual assets (such as cryptocurrencies) and the associated anti-money laundering (AML) risks. This session is crucial for those interested in the evolving landscape of finance, especially as it transitions from traditional systems to virtual and unconventional transactions based on distributed ledger technology.
This training is also important for all reporting institutions such as banks, microfinance institutions, insurance companies, digital credit providers, and real estate agencies. These institutions have a statutory duty to report to the Financial Reporting Centre under Part IV of the Proceeds of Crime and Anti-Money Laundering Act. With the evolving financial landscape, it is crucial to stay vigilant in understanding digital ledger transactions and the associated AML threats and risks. Further The Law Society of Kenya is now a self-regulating body, and all lawyers will have a reporting obligation concerning AML and proceeds of crime transactions. Understanding where the risks lie is essential for compliance and effective practice.
Join us to stay informed and prepared for the challenges and opportunities in this dynamic field.