Jochem Spaans

Brechje van der Velden
Senior Partner

Ken Rivlin
New York
Brechje van der Velden, senior partner Allen & Overy Netherlands said: “We are very pleased that Jochem Spaans is joining our office. His return is in line with our worldwide ambition to advise clients active in sectors such as infrastructure, (heavy) industry and energy in the field of the environment and climate. These are important sectors with major social challenges, partly because of the growing focus on corporate social responsibility. With his track record in environmental and administrative law, Jochem will play an important role in this. ”
Ken Rivlin, partner and global head of Allen & Overy’s International Environmental Law Group added: “We are thrilled that Jochem Spaans is returning to A&O. He is a true expert in Dutch, EU and international environmental law. With the ascendance of ESG as a top board room issue for our corporate and financial institution clients, the increasingly active role that the EU is playing in driving global environmental policy, and the global movement towards renewables and a net-zero carbon economy, his deep expertise, commercial approach, international stature is precisely what our clients need now and will need for the foreseeable future. He will also bring needed Dutch leadership to our global environmental law team, which has leading practioners in Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Madrid, Paris, Shanghai, Perth, New York, and now again, the Netherlands.”
Jochem Spaans commented: “I look forward to returning to Allen & Overy. Climate change, energy transition and ESG are becoming increasingly important. They have quickly become top priorities in projects, transactions and litigation. Environmental law has a central place within this. In the energy sector as well as in industry and real estate. Allen & Overy has a unique proposition and a very strong international network. Previously, I worked at Allen & Overy on leading deals, for example for offshore wind farms. These kinds of deals are coming more and more. They are essential to achieve the major climate and energy ambitions. ”
In addition to his work as a lawyer, Jochem Spaans is affiliated with the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department at VU University Amsterdam (0.01 FTE). He recently co-authored the latest edition (2019) of Main issues of administrative law (Kluwer), and contributed to Kluwer’s Text & Commentary on Environmental Law and the forthcoming Environmental Law.